Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and Isolation

Every human on Earth will have a perceived notion of the amount of contact they desire to have. When this desire is not met, loneliness begins to become a problem. Loneliness is the difference between our desired human contact and our actual human contact. The wider this gap becomes, the stronger the emotion, and we can become more strained as we can experience greater feelings of loneliness.

LinkedIn: Prepare your Profile

LinkedIn: Prepare your Profile

If you take any social media app whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, you can clearly see the main focus behind each one, for example, Instagram is photo and picture-oriented. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is purely focused on business and employment, with nearly 800 million members. The opportunities for you abound, if you know how to brand yourself....



You’ve just found the perfect job... It’s suited to your schedule, your skill-sets and your future ambitions - but there’s just one problem, many other people have decided that this is their job too. How can you stand out?You’ve researched the company well, and you know your role responsibilities. Your handshake was good, and you’ve dressed appropriately, but now comes the difficult bit. It’s common knowledge that regardless of who you are, interviews can be very stressful and overwhelming.



Insomnia is a condition, where individuals find it difficult to either go to, or stay asleep. This can lead to many problems besides just general tiredness. Insomnia is the most common sleep condition with studies suggesting that approximately up to 30% of the population suffers from it. However, insomnia isn’t just one single condition necessarily, there are three main categories.

International Monetary Fund, (The IMF)

International Monetary Fund, (The IMF)

The International Monetary Fund, or IMF, was set up at the second world war, and created to ensure global financial stability, especially in the aftermath of the Great Depression in the 1930s. The IMF is comprised of 190 countries around the world and as a result offers financial aid to those who may need it most.

Feeling Guilty?

Feeling Guilty?

Guilt generally occurs when the realisation of the action that we have just committed is wrong, and we end up feeling responsible. Because of guilt, and the feeling that it comes with, we are able to learn from these experiences and so begin to develop an understanding of guilt and how we can, should, must learn from it.



Grief, is being sad, usually after a loss of some kind. Grief is a deep level of sadness that comes to stay with you for a while after a loss of someone who was very close to you. There are different kinds of sadness - depression, stress and anxiety, these are different than grief though, when we move into Mourning to begin a healing process.